Academic Plan Codes
Area of Study :
Actuarial Science
Advanced M.Div. Theology
Advanced Physics
American Cultural Studies
American Studies
Analytics and Decision Science
Animal Behaviour
Animal Ethics & Sustain Lead
Applied Financial Modelling
Applied Mathematics
Applied Psychology
Applied Statistics
Archaeology & Biological Anth
Art Dip Mus(1Yr Perf (Brass)
Art Dip Mus(1Yr Perf (Per)
Art Dip Mus(1Yr Perf (Strings)
Art Dip Mus(1Yr Perf (Wood)
Art Dip Mus(1Yr Perf Orch Inst
Art Dip Mus(1Yr Perform Organ
Art Dip Mus(1Yr Perform Piano
Art Dip Mus(1Yr Perform Voice
Art History
Art History & Curatorial Stds
Art History and Museum Studies
Art History and Studio Art
Art and English
Arts & Humanities Internship
Arts and Humanities
B.A. (3 Year) Arts
B.A. (3 Year) Med Info Techno
B.A. (3 Year) Science
B.A. (3 Year) Soc.Sci.
B.A. (3 Year)(Western Scholar)
B.A. (HEc) (Western Scholars)
B.A. **(Music) Music
B.A. **3 Year** Kinesiology
B.A. **3 Year** Undecla/To Min
B.A. **3 Year** Undecla/Uw Exc
B.A. **3 Year** Undeclared
B.A. **3 Year** Visual Arts
B.A. 4 YR (HEc) Family Studies
B.A. 4 YR (Western Scholars)
B.A. 4 YR KIN (Western Scholar
B.A. 4 YR MIT (W Scholars)
B.A. 4 Year Media & Comm Stud
B.A. Four Year Arts
B.A. Four Year Kinesiology
B.A. Four Year Music
B.A. Four Year Science
B.A. Four Year Social Science
B.A. Four Year Undeclared
B.A. Honours Business Admin
B.A.(3Yr.) Junior Group
B.A.(4Yr) Disability Studies
B.A.(4Yr) Human Rights Studies
B.A.(4Yr) Social Just & Peace
B.A.(4Yr) Thanatology
B.A.(4Yr.) Music Admin Studies
B.A.**(Music) Music (W Scholar
B.A.**3 Year** VisArts(W Schol
B.A.**3 Year**MIT (W Scholars)
B.A.Hon Schol E Business Admin
B.E.Sc Art Int Sys Eng (w Sch)
B.E.Sc Artificial Int Sys Eng
B.E.Sc Chemical Eng (W Scholar
B.E.Sc Civil (WSch)/w Co-op
B.E.Sc Computer Eng (W Scholar
B.E.Sc Engineering Sc (W Schol
B.E.Sc Integ(WSch)/w Co-op
B.E.Sc Mech Eng(WSch)/w Co-op
B.E.Sc Mechanical Eng (W Schol
B.E.Sc Mechatron(WSch)w Co-op
B.E.Sc Mechatron/w Co-op
B.E.Sc Mechatronic Systems Eng
B.E.Sc Software(WSch)/w Co-op
B.E.Sc. Civil Opt (W Schol
B.E.Sc. Biomedical Engineering
B.E.Sc. Chem Eng (Int'l Collab
B.E.Sc. Chemical Engineering
B.E.Sc. Civil Opt
B.E.Sc. Civil/w Co-op
B.E.Sc. Comp Eng/w Co-op
B.E.Sc. Computer Eng
B.E.Sc. Elec Eng/w Co-op
B.E.Sc. Elect (W Sch)/w Co-op
B.E.Sc. Electrical Eng
B.E.Sc. Electrical Eng (W Scho
B.E.Sc. Engineering Sc
B.E.Sc. Integ/w Co-op
B.E.Sc. Integrated Eng (W Scho
B.E.Sc. Integrated Engineering
B.E.Sc. Mech Eng/w Co-op
B.E.Sc. Mechanical Eng
B.E.Sc. Mechatron Eng (W Schol
B.E.Sc. Software Eng (W Schol
B.E.Sc. Software Engineering
B.E.Sc. Software/w Co-op
B.E.Sc.Chem Eng/(Wsch)w Co-op
B.E.Sc.Chem Eng/w Co-op
B.E.Sc.Comp Eng(W Sch)/w Co-op
B.H.Sc (Western Scholar)
B.H.Sc. 4 Year Health Sciences
B.M.O.S. (W Scholars)
B.M.O.S. (Western Scholar)
B.M.O.S. Honours (W Scholar)
B.Mus. Honours Music Education
B.Mus.Hon Mus Ed/wMath (W Scho
B.Mus.Hon Music Educ (W Schola
B.Mus.Hon Music Hist (W Schola
B.Mus.Hon Perf Org (W Scholar
B.Mus.Hon Perf Piano (W Schola
B.Mus.Hon PerfOrc Inst (W Scho
B.Mus.Hon PerfVoice (W Scholar
B.Mus.HonPerf (Brass) (W Schol
B.Mus.HonPerf (Per) (W Scholar
B.Mus.HonPerf (Strings) (W Sch
B.Mus.HonPerf (Wood) (w Schola
B.Mus.HonTheory/Comp (W Schola
B.Mus.Honours Composition
B.Mus.Honours Music Research
B.Mus.Honours Perf Orch Inst
B.Mus.Honours Perform Piano
B.Mus.Honours Perform Voice
B.Musical Arts 4YR (Western Sc
B.Sc (F & N) (Western Scholars
B.Sc (F&N) (Western Scholars)
B.Sc (HEc) (Western Scholars)
B.Sc (Western Scholars)
B.Sc 4YR Fam Stud (Hum Ecol)
B.Sc. 4 YR (Western Scholars)
B.Sc. 4 YR Computer Science
B.Sc. 4 YR Integrated Science
B.Sc. Four Year Science
B.Sc.(3 Year) (W Scholars)
B.Sc.(3 Year) Science
B.Sc.(H.Ec.) Human Eco (W Scho
B.Sc.Hon (W Schol) Geology
B.Sc.N Nursing
B.Sc.N Nursing RPN A
B.Sc.N Nursing RPN B
B.Sc.N. Reg Nurses Bsc
B.Sc.N. West-Wat Co-Op
BA (HEc) (Western Scholars)
BA Hon (HEc) (Western Scholars
BA**3 Year**Kin(Western Schol)
BHSc 4 YR Health Sc (W Scholar
BMOS Internship Program
BMOS Internship Program (BR)
BMOS Internship Program (HC)
BMOS Internship Program (KC)
BSc 4 YR Integ Sci (W Scholar)
BSc(Human Ec) (Western Scholar
Bach of Mgt&Org St (King's Sch
Bach of Social Work (King's Sc
Bach.Education Inter Sr
Bach.Education Jr Inter
Bach.Education Prim Jr
Bach.Education Technol St
Bach.Education FSL Prim Jr
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Arts (Human Ec)
Bachelor of Arts (Kinesiology)
Bachelor of Arts (King's Schol
Bachelor of Arts (MIT)
Bachelor of Arts (Music)
Bachelor of Arts (Visual Arts)
Bachelor of Arts(Western Schol
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Bachelor of Fine Arts(West Sch
Bachelor of Health Sci (W Scho
Bachelor of Health Sciences
Bachelor of Med Sci (W Schol
Bachelor of Medical Sciences
Bachelor of Mngm't & Org St
Bachelor of Mngm't & Org St WS
Bachelor of Music
Bachelor of Music (4 Yr)
Bachelor of Music (W Scholars)
Bachelor of Music Honours
Bachelor of Music, MRA (4 Yr)
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science (F & N)
Bachelor of Science (Human Ec)
Bachelor of Science(Western Sc
Bachelor of Social Work
Bachelor of Theology
Biochem & Path of Human Diseas
Biochem of Infection & Immun
Biochemistry & Cancer Biology
Biochemistry & Cell Biology
Biochemistry and Chemistry
Biodiversity and Conservation
Black Studies
Business Administration
Business Analytics
Business Intelligence
CUGTA Visiting Grad Student
Canadian Physicians Assistant
Canadian Studies
Catholic Studies
Catholic Studies for Teachers
Cert Eng Leadership & Innovat
Cert Study Law & Pub. Policy
Cert in Childhood & Advocacy
Cert in Childhood/Legal Sys
Cert in Climate Change & Soc
Cert in Clinical Trial Mangmnt
Cert in Data Science
Cert in Digital Comm: SM & VW
Cert in Diversity and Families
Cert in Ecol Just & Clim Ethic
Cert in Entrepreneurship
Cert in Geographic Info Sci
Cert in Human Resources Manage
Cert in Intercult Com Japanese
Cert in Intercult Comm Arabic
Cert in Loss, Grief & Bereave
Cert in Museum & Curatorial St
Cert in Occup Health Safety Mn
Cert in Professional Communic
Cert in Purp-Driven Leadership
Certificat / Francais Pratique
Certificate Additnl Qualif
Certificate in Art History
Certificate in Community Devel
Certificate in Ethics
Certificate in German
Certificate in Italian
Certificate in Not-for-profit
Certificate in Studio Art
Certificate in Theatre Studies
Certificate in Writing
Certificate: Nurse Pract Pr
Chemical Biology
Child Health and Development
Childhood and Youth Studies
China Studies
Chinese Business Communication
Chinese History
Chinese Studies
Classical Studies
Climate Change and Society
Clinical Fellow
Clinical Kinesiology
Cognitive Neuro of Move,Lang,M
Comm Dev in a Global Context
Comm Sci Disorders
Commercial Aviation Management
Communicating Cultures
Community & Criminal Justice
Community Development
Community Health
Comparative Lit & Culture
Computational Biochemistry
Computer Science
Conceptual Astronomy
Concurrent English Language
Concurrent Fanshawe Coll
Concurrent Lambton Coll
Consumer Behavior
Contemporary English Lit
Creative Arts
Creative Arts and Production
Creative Writ & Pop Cult Analy
Creative Writing
Creative Wrt & Engl Lang & Lit
Creativity and Literature
Criminal Justice
Critical Theo,Criticsm and Lit
Cross Disciplinary
Cross-Cultural Relations
Cultural Studies
Cyber-cultural Structuralism
Cybercultural Construction
D.D.S. Dentistry
DDS Program - Advcd St Int'l
DE Kin Integ Biosciences
DE Kin Mgmt & Leadership
DE Kin Psych Basis
DE Kin SocCult Studies
DE Ph.D Geotech/Geoenviro Eng
DE Ph.D Geotech/Geoenviro,ES
DE Ph.D. Biology, DevBio
DE Ph.D. CEE, NatDisas
DE Ph.D. CEE, NatDisas, EnvSus
DE Ph.D. CEE, Smart Cities
DE Ph.D. CEE, Structur
DE Ph.D. CEE, Structur, EnvSus
DE Ph.D. CEE, Wind
DE Ph.D. CEE, Wind, EnvSus
DE Ph.D. CEE, Wtr/Env
DE Ph.D. CEE, Wtr/Env, EnvSus
DE Ph.D. Chemistry, Inorganic
DE Ph.D. Chemistry, Organic
DE Ph.D. Chemistry, Phys./Anl.
DE Ph.D. ECE, Biomed
DE Ph.D. ECE, Biomed, EnvSus
DE Ph.D. ECE, CommSys
DE Ph.D. ECE, CommSys, EnvSus
DE Ph.D. ECE, DSP, EnvSus
DE Ph.D. ECE, Electros
DE Ph.D. ECE, Electros, EnvSus
DE Ph.D. ECE, PowerSys
DE Ph.D. ECE, PowerSys, EnvSus
DE Ph.D. ECE, Robotics
DE Ph.D. ECE, Robotics, EnvSus
DE Ph.D. ECE, Software
DE Ph.D. ECE, Software, EnvSus
DE Ph.D. Economics
DE Ph.D. Kinesiol, Cultural
DE Ph.D. Kinesiol, Phys of Ex
DE Ph.D. Kinesiol, Psych Basis
DE Ph.D. MME, Automat
DE Ph.D. MME, Automat, EnvSus
DE Ph.D. MME, Material
DE Ph.D. MME, Material, EnvSus
DE Ph.D. MME, MechEng
DE Ph.D. MME, Thermofl
DE Ph.D. MME, Thermofl, EnvSus
DE Ph.D. Philosophy
DE PhD Biochemistry, ML
DE PhD Biomed Eng, Imaging ML
DE Phys/Pharm
DE Phys/Pharm MH
DEPhD Biomat/Biochem
DEPhD Biomat/Biochem, ES
DEPhD Enviro/Green
DEPhD Enviro/Green, ES
DEPhD ParticleTech/Fluid
DEPhD ParticleTech/Fluid, ES
DEPhD Reaction/ProcessSys
DEPhD Reaction/ProcessSys, ES
DMA Bassoon
DMA Bassoon P
DMA Cello
DMA Cello P
DMA Choral Conducting
DMA Choral Conducting P
DMA Clarinet
DMA Clarinet P
DMA Collaborative Piano
DMA Collaborative Piano P
DMA Flute
DMA Flute P
DMA Instrumental Conducting
DMA Instrumental Conducting P
DMA Oboe
DMA Oboe P
DMA Percussion
DMA Percussion P
DMA Saxophone
DMA Saxophone P
DMA Solo Piano
DMA Solo Piano P
DMA Solo Piano P MusCogn
DMA Trombone
DMA Trombone P
DMA Trumpet
DMA Trumpet P
DMA Viola
DMA Viola P
DMA Violin
DMA Violin P
DMA Voice
DMA Voice P
Data Science
Developmental Cognitive Neuro
Digital Humanities
Digital Management
Digital Media, Comm & Techno
Dip Diet Ed & Practical Train
Dip Honors MIT
Dip in Clinic Trial Mangmnt
Dip in Diversity and Families
Dip in Human Resources
Dip in Professional Communic
Dip in Safety Man and HR
Dipl Applied Health Sciences
Diploma Business Admin
Diploma Public Admin
Diploma Accounting
Diploma Business Admin
Diploma In Arts Management
Diploma In Occ Health & Safety
Diploma Mining Law
Diploma Prof Comm & Mgmt
Diploma Prof Ed Curriculum St
Diploma Prof Ed Educ Ldrship
Diploma Prof Ed Educ Psych
Diploma Prof Ed Intl Ed
Diploma in Digital Comm:SM & V
Diploma in Ethics
Diploma in Marketing
Diploma in Not-for-profit Mgmt
Diploma in Nutrition
Diploma in Pedorthics
Diploma in Public Relations
Diploma in Writing, Level 1
Diploma in Writing, Level 2
Diplome De Francais Jurid
Diplome/ Francais Pratique
Direct Entry Ph.D.
Disability Studies
Disease Dimensions
Doctor of Ed ABA
Doctor of Ed Educ Ldrship
Doctor of Ed Educ Ldrship T
Doctor of Ed Equity
Doctor of Musical Arts, Perf
Drama and Politics
East Asia Studies
Economic Theory
Ecosystem Health
Engineering Science
English & Writing Studies
English Language & Literature
English and Biology
English and Creative Writing
English and Cultural Studies
English and Ecology
English for Teachers
Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Enviro Geosci-For Prof Reg
Environment and Culture
Environment and Health
Environmental Science
Environmental Stewardship
Epidemiology & Biostatistics
Epidemiology & Stat Program
Evolutionary Science
Executive M.B.A - Beijing
Executive M.B.A. - Hong Kong
FIMS Internship Module
Families and Communities
Family Studies & Human Develop
Fem,Queer & Critical Race Theo
Film Studies
Finance and Administration
Financial Economics
Financial Modelling
Food Management and Marketing
Foods and Nutrition
Foundations in the New Lib Art
French Language & Literature
French Language and Literature
French Studies
French Studies (BR)
French for Teaching
GDip Business & Sustainability
GDip Climate Bus
GDip Climate Risk
GDip Climate Risk Eng
GDip Climate Risk Sci
GDip Climate Risk Soc Sci
GDip Management
GDip Pathology & Lab Medicine
GDip Professional Practice
GDipPA London
GDipPA On Campus
GDipPA On Campus DPA Transfer
GDipPA Online
GDipPA Toronto
Game Development
Gender and Women's Studies
Gender, Development and Policy
General Cinema Studies
General English
General Studies
General Studies - Accounting
Genetics and Biochemistry
Genomic Anthropology
Geog & Env & Comm Aviation Mgm
Geographic Information Science
Geography and Environment
Geology and Biology
Geology-For Prof Registration
Geophysics-For Prof Reg
Global Commerce
Global Culture Studies
Global Development Studies
Global Economics
Global Gender Studies
Global Great Books
Global Great Qu in Arts & Mus
Global Health
Global Health Studies
Global Justice
Global Narratives
Global Political Economy
Global Relations
Global Rights Studies
Globalization Studies
Governance,Leadership & Ethics
Graduate Exchange Student
Greek & Roman Archaeology
Greek and Latin
Greek and Latin Literature
Greek and Roman History
Health Issues
Health Leadership & Innovation
Health Sci w Human Anat & Path
Health Sciences
Health Sciences with Biology
Health and Global Society
Health and the Brain
Health, Aging & Social Policy
High-Advanced Level ELC Prg
Hist of Africa & African Diasp
History of the Book
Hon Specialist Biology
Human Behav/Soc Psy Persp
Human Ecology
Human Resource Management
Human Rights Studies
Indigenous Studies
Information Systems
Integ Sci w Math & Stat Sci
Integrated Sci w Astrophysics
Integrated Science w Biology
Integrated Science w Chemistry
Integrated Science w Earth Sc
Integrated Science w Enviro Sc
Integrated Science w Genetics
Integrated Science w Physics
Integrated Science w Synth Bio
Intercultural Com for Japanese
Intercultural Comm for Arabic
Interdisciplinary Medical Sci
Intermediate Senior
International Business
International Human Rights
International Justice
International Relations
Islamic Studies
Italian Language & Culture
JD Business Law
JD Business/IPIT
JD Intell Prop,Info & Tech
JD Law
Japan Studies
Japanese Studies
Jewish Studies
Joint Ph.D. Education Studies
LLM Law, Project, Trans Just
LLM Law, Trans Just
LLM Law, project based
Leadership Studies
Linguistic Anthropology
M Public Admin, Migration Eth
M Studies in Law, P
M Studies in Law, P Trans Just
M Studies in Law, T
M Studies in Law, T Trans Just
M.A, Sociology, Prog/Pol
M.A. American Stud, CanAmRel
M.A. American Stud, Cultural
M.A. Anthro, ApplArch EnvSus
M.A. Anthro, Applied Archaelog
M.A. Anthro, Arch/Bio, EnvSus
M.A. Anthro, Arch/Bio, Ethnic
M.A. Anthro, Arch/Bioarch
M.A. Anthro, Socio
M.A. Anthro, Socio TJ
M.A. Anthro, Socio, EnvSus
M.A. Anthro, Socio, Ethnic
M.A. Classics
M.A. Comparative Literature
M.A. Economics
M.A. Economics (Terminal)
M.A. Economics, EnvSus
M.A. English
M.A. English, P Trans Just
M.A. English, Trans Just
M.A. French Studies
M.A. GSWS, Ethnic
M.A. GSWS, P Trans Just
M.A. GSWS, Trans Just
M.A. Geography
M.A. Geography, EnvSus
M.A. Geography, Ethnic
M.A. Geography, GHSA
M.A. Hispanic Studies
M.A. Hispanic Studies ES
M.A. Hispanic Studies GH
M.A. Hispanic Studies SC
M.A. Hispanic Studies TJ
M.A. Hispanic Studies, Ethnic
M.A. Hispanic Studies, ME
M.A. History
M.A. History w JD
M.A. History, EnvSus
M.A. History, Ethnic
M.A. History, Public
M.A. History, T
M.A. History, Trans Just
M.A. Journalism
M.A. Kinesiol, Coaching, CB
M.A. Kinesiol, Coaching, TB
M.A. Kinesiol, Hist/Sport, CB
M.A. Kinesiol, Hist/Sport, TB
M.A. Kinesiol, Phil/Sport, CB
M.A. Kinesiol, Phil/Sport, TB
M.A. Kinesiol, Psych, CB
M.A. Kinesiol, Psych, TB
M.A. Kinesiol, Sport Mgmt, CB
M.A. Kinesiol, Sport Mgmt, TB
M.A. Kinesiology
M.A. Linguistics
M.A. Media Studies
M.A. Media Studies, EnvSus
M.A. Music Theory, CB
M.A. Music Theory, PB
M.A. Music Theory, PB, MusCogn
M.A. Music Theory, TB
M.A. Musicology, CB
M.A. Musicology, PB
M.A. Musicology, TB
M.A. Philosophy
M.A. Philosophy, EnvSus
M.A. PoliSci, Trans Just
M.A. Political Science
M.A. Political Science, EnvSus
M.A. Political Science, Ethnic
M.A. Poplr Music & Culture, CB
M.A. Poplr Music & Culture, PB
M.A. Poplr Music & Culture, TB
M.A. Sociology
M.A. Sociology, EnvSus
M.A. Sociology, Ethnic
M.A. Sociology, T
M.A. Sociology, T EnvSus
M.A. Sociology, T Ethnic
M.A. Sociology, T Prog/Pol
M.A. Sociology, T, Trans Just
M.A. Sociology, Trans Just
M.A. Theology
M.A. Theology, Trans Just
M.A. Theory & Criticism
M.B.A Business Admin
M.B.A Business Admin Accel
M.B.A. Business Admin
M.B.A. Business Admin - HK
M.B.A. Executive MBA
M.B.A. Video Exec MBA
M.B.A. Accelerated
M.Cl.D. Orthodontics
M.Cl.Sc Family Med, PB
M.Cl.Sc. Comm Sci & Disorders
M.Cl.Sc. Family Med, TB
M.Cl.Sc. Physical Therapy, MT
M.Cl.Sc. Physical Therapy, MTF
M.Cl.Sc. Physical Therapy, WH
M.D. Medicine
M.D. Medicine - London
M.D. Medicine - Unspecified
M.D. Medicine - Windsor
M.Div. Theology
M.E.Sc. Biomed Eng, Biomat MH
M.E.Sc. Biomed Eng, Biomech MH
M.E.Sc. Biomed Eng, Robot MH
M.E.Sc. Biomed Eng, Robotics
M.E.Sc. Biomed. Eng., Biomat.
M.E.Sc. Biomed. Eng., Biomech.
M.E.Sc. Biomed. Eng., Imaging
M.E.Sc. Biomed. Eng., Img MH
M.E.Sc. CEE, Smart Cities
M.E.Sc. CEE, Structure
M.E.Sc. CEE, Structure, EnvSus
M.E.Sc. CEE, Water/Env
M.E.Sc. CEE, Water/Env GlobalH
M.E.Sc. CEE, Water/Env HazRR
M.E.Sc. CEE, Water/Env, EnvSus
M.E.Sc. CEE, Wind
M.E.Sc. CEE, Wind HazRR
M.E.Sc. CEE, Wind, EnvSus
M.E.Sc. ECE, Biomed
M.E.Sc. ECE, Biomed, EnvSus
M.E.Sc. ECE, CommSys
M.E.Sc. ECE, CommSys, AI
M.E.Sc. ECE, CommSys, EnvSus
M.E.Sc. ECE, DSP, EnvSus
M.E.Sc. ECE, DSP, PlnSci
M.E.Sc. ECE, Electrost
M.E.Sc. ECE, Electrost, EnvSus
M.E.Sc. ECE, PowerSys
M.E.Sc. ECE, PowerSys, EnvSus
M.E.Sc. ECE, Robotics
M.E.Sc. ECE, Robotics AI
M.E.Sc. ECE, Robotics MH
M.E.Sc. ECE, Robotics, EnvSus
M.E.Sc. ECE, Robotics, PlnSci
M.E.Sc. ECE, Software
M.E.Sc. ECE, Software, AI
M.E.Sc. ECE, Software, EnvSus
M.E.Sc. ECE, Software, PlnSci
M.E.Sc. MME, Automat
M.E.Sc. MME, Automat, EnvSus
M.E.Sc. MME, Materials
M.E.Sc. MME, Materials ML
M.E.Sc. MME, Materials, EnvSus
M.E.Sc. MME, Mechanical
M.E.Sc. MME, Mechanical MH
M.E.Sc. MME, MicroNano
M.E.Sc. MME, Thermoflu
M.E.Sc. MME, Thermoflu PS
M.E.Sc. MME, Thermoflu SC
M.E.Sc. MME, Thermoflu, EnvSus
M.Eng Geotech/Geoenv, C ELI
M.Eng Geotech/Geoenv, P ELI
M.Eng Geotech/Geoenviro Eng
M.Eng Geotech/Geoenviro Eng,ES
M.Eng. CEE, Accel Structural C
M.Eng. CEE, Accel Structural P
M.Eng. CEE, Smart Cities
M.Eng. CEE, Struct C ELI Co-op
M.Eng. CEE, Structural
M.Eng. CEE, Structural C Co-op
M.Eng. CEE, Structural, C ELI
M.Eng. CEE, Structural, EnvSus
M.Eng. CEE, Structural, P ELI
M.Eng. CEE, W/E C Co-op
M.Eng. CEE, W/E P Co-op
M.Eng. CEE, Water/Env
M.Eng. CEE, Water/Env, C ELI
M.Eng. CEE, Water/Env, EnvSus
M.Eng. CEE, Water/Env, P ELI
M.Eng. CEE, Wind
M.Eng. CEE, Wind, C ELI
M.Eng. CEE, Wind, EnvSus
M.Eng. CEE, Wind, P ELI
M.Eng. ECE Com/Sig P ELI Co-op
M.Eng. ECE, C/S C Co-op
M.Eng. ECE, Com/Sig P Co-op
M.Eng. ECE, Com/Signal
M.Eng. ECE, Com/Signal AI
M.Eng. ECE, Com/Signal, C ELI
M.Eng. ECE, Com/Signal, EnvSus
M.Eng. ECE, Com/Signal, P ELI
M.Eng. ECE, Cybersecurity
M.Eng. ECE, P/S C ELI Co-op
M.Eng. ECE, PowerSys
M.Eng. ECE, PowerSys C Co-op
M.Eng. ECE, PowerSys, C ELI
M.Eng. ECE, PowerSys, EnvSus
M.Eng. ECE, PowerSys, P ELI
M.Eng. ECE, Robotics
M.Eng. ECE, Robotics AI
M.Eng. ECE, Robotics C Co-op
M.Eng. ECE, Robotics P Co-op
M.Eng. ECE, Robotics, C ELI
M.Eng. ECE, Robotics, EnvSus
M.Eng. ECE, Robotics, P ELI
M.Eng. ECE, Software
M.Eng. ECE, Software C Co-op
M.Eng. ECE, Software, AI
M.Eng. ECE, Software, C ELI
M.Eng. ECE, Software, EnvSus
M.Eng. ECE, Software, P AI ELI
M.Eng. ECE, Software, P ELI
M.Eng. ECE, SoftwareP AI Co-op
M.Eng. MME, Automation
M.Eng. MME, Automation, EnvSus
M.Eng. MME, Composite Mat, C
M.Eng. MME, Composite Mat, P
M.Eng. MME, HVAC, C, EnvSus
M.Eng. MME, HVAC, P, EnvSus
M.Eng. MME, Materials
M.Eng. MME, Materials, EnvSus
M.Eng. MME, Mech C Co-op
M.Eng. MME, Mech P Co-op
M.Eng. MME, Mechanical
M.Eng. MME, Mechanical, C ELI
M.Eng. MME, Mechanical, P ELI
M.Eng. MME, Thermoflu
M.Eng. MME, Thermoflu, EnvSus
M.L.I.S. Co-Op /Lib In
M.L.I.S. Co-Op Placement
M.Mus., Composition, T MusCogn
M.Mus., Composition, TB
M.Mus., Education, CB
M.Mus., Education, CB, MusCogn
M.Mus., Education, P
M.Mus., Education, S, TB
M.Mus., Education, TB
M.Mus., Lit/Perf, CB
M.Mus., Lit/Perf, CB, MusCogn
M.Mus., Lit/Perf, Internship
M.Mus., Lit/Perf, TB
M.Sc Math T, ApplMath ES
M.Sc Mathematics
M.Sc Mathematics T
M.Sc Mathematics T, ApplMath
M.Sc Mathematics, ApplMath
M.Sc. Anat/Cell, Res
M.Sc. Anat/Cell, Res MH
M.Sc. Anat/Cell, Res, ML
M.Sc. AnatCell, Clin
M.Sc. AnatCell, Clin MH
M.Sc. AnatCell, Clin, DevBio
M.Sc. AnatCell, Clin, MolImg
M.Sc. AnatCell, Res, DevBio
M.Sc. AnatCell, Res, MolImg
M.Sc. ApplMath
M.Sc. ApplMath 3
M.Sc. ApplMath, SciCom
M.Sc. Astronomy
M.Sc. Astronomy, EnvSus
M.Sc. Astronomy, PlnSci
M.Sc. Astronomy, SciCom
M.Sc. Astronomy, T
M.Sc. Astronomy, T PlnSci
M.Sc. Biochemistry
M.Sc. Biochemistry A
M.Sc. Biochemistry MH
M.Sc. Biochemistry, DevBio
M.Sc. Biochemistry, ML
M.Sc. Biochemistry, MolImg
M.Sc. Biochemistry, SciCom
M.Sc. Biology, Cel&Mol
M.Sc. Biology, Cel&Mol, DevBio
M.Sc. Biology, Cel&Mol, EnvSus
M.Sc. Biology, Eco&Evo
M.Sc. Biology, Eco&Evo, DevBio
M.Sc. Biology, Eco&Evo, EnvSus
M.Sc. Biology, Phy&Bio
M.Sc. Biology, Phy&Bio, DevBio
M.Sc. Biology, Phy&Bio, EnvSus
M.Sc. Chem, Inorganic
M.Sc. Chem, Inorganic, EnvSus
M.Sc. Chem, Inorganic, MolImg
M.Sc. Chem, Inorganic, SciCom
M.Sc. Chem, Organic
M.Sc. Chem, Organic, EnvSus
M.Sc. Chem, Organic, MH
M.Sc. Chem, Organic, MolImg
M.Sc. Chem, Organic, SciCom
M.Sc. Chem, Phys/Anlyt
M.Sc. Chem, Phys/Anlyt, EnvSus
M.Sc. Chem, Phys/Anlyt, MolImg
M.Sc. Chem, Phys/Anlyt, SciCom
M.Sc. Comp. Sci., DST AI
M.Sc. Comp. Sci., Dist. S., PB
M.Sc. Comp. Sci., Dist. S., TB
M.Sc. Comp. Sci., IP & CV, TB
M.Sc. CompSci AI
M.Sc. CompSci, AI&CBG
M.Sc. CompSci, AI&CBG, AI
M.Sc. CompSci, AI&CBG, EnvSus
M.Sc. CompSci, AI&CBG, SftEng
M.Sc. CompSci, Bio
M.Sc. CompSci, Bio AI
M.Sc. CompSci, Bio, EnvSus
M.Sc. CompSci, Bio, SftEng
M.Sc. CompSci, CompAlg
M.Sc. CompSci, CompAlg, EnvSus
M.Sc. CompSci, CompAlg, SftEng
M.Sc. CompSci, DS P AI
M.Sc. CompSci, DistSys
M.Sc. CompSci, DistSys, EnvSus
M.Sc. CompSci, DistSys, SftEng
M.Sc. CompSci, IP&CV
M.Sc. CompSci, IP&CV TB AI
M.Sc. CompSci, IP&CV, EnvSus
M.Sc. CompSci, IP&CV, SftEng
M.Sc. CompSci, SE&HCI
M.Sc. CompSci, SE&HCI AI
M.Sc. CompSci, SE&HCI, EnvSus
M.Sc. CompSci, SE&HCI, SftEng
M.Sc. CompSci, Theory
M.Sc. CompSci, Theory, AI
M.Sc. CompSci, Theory, EnvSus
M.Sc. CompSci, Theory, SftEng
M.Sc. Computer Science
M.Sc. EpiBio Biostatistics
M.Sc. EpiBio Biostatistics ML
M.Sc. EpiBio Epidemiology
M.Sc. EpiBio Epidemiology MH
M.Sc. EpiBio Epidemiology ML
M.Sc. Epidem/Biostat
M.Sc. Epidem/Biostat, Biosts
M.Sc. Geography
M.Sc. Geography PlnSci
M.Sc. Geography, EnvSus
M.Sc. Geography, Ethnic
M.Sc. Geography, GHSA
M.Sc. Geology
M.Sc. Geology, EnvSus
M.Sc. Geology, PlnSci
M.Sc. Geophysics
M.Sc. Geophysics HazRR
M.Sc. Geophysics, EnvSus
M.Sc. Geophysics, PlnSci
M.Sc. Geophysics, SciCom
M.Sc. Kinesiol, Biomechanics
M.Sc. Kinesiol, Coaching
M.Sc. Kinesiol, Phys of Ex
M.Sc. Kinesiol, Sport Med MH
M.Sc. Kinesiol, Sport Medicine
M.Sc. Med Biophysics
M.Sc. Med Biophysics MH
M.Sc. Med Biophysics MH MI
M.Sc. Med Biophysics ML
M.Sc. Med Biophysics, MolImg
M.Sc. Micro/Imm GHSA
M.Sc. Microbio/Immun
M.Sc. Microbio/Immun A
M.Sc. Microbio/Immun, DevBio
M.Sc. Microbio/Immun, EnvSus
M.Sc. Microbio/Immun, MH
M.Sc. Microbio/Immun, MolImg
M.Sc. Neuroscience
M.Sc. Neuroscience HS
M.Sc. Neuroscience HS MusCogn
M.Sc. Neuroscience ML
M.Sc. Neuroscience S
M.Sc. Neuroscience S ML
M.Sc. Neuroscience SS
M.Sc. Neuroscience SS GHSA
M.Sc. Neuroscience SS MusCogn
M.Sc. Neuroscience SSSC
M.Sc. Pharm/Tox
M.Sc. Phys/Pharm
M.Sc. Phys/Pharm MH
M.Sc. Phys/Pharm, DevBio
M.Sc. Phys/Pharm, EnvSus
M.Sc. Physics
M.Sc. Physics ML
M.Sc. Physics SC
M.Sc. Physics, CondMat, PlnSci
M.Sc. Physics, EnvSus
M.Sc. Physics, PlnSci
M.Sc. Physics, T
M.Sc. Physics, T ML
M.Sc. Physiology MH
M.Sc. Psychology
M.Sc. Psychology, CDBS
M.Sc. Psychology, Clin, Ethnic
M.Sc. Psychology, Clinical
M.Sc. Psychology, I/O, Ethnic
M.Sc. Psychology, Industry/Org
M.Sc. Psychology, SPD
M.Sc. Psychology, SPD, Ethnic
M.Sc. Rehab Sci, Child/Youth
M.Sc. Rehab Sci, Education
M.Sc. Rehab Sci, HS, MusCogn
M.Sc. Rehab Sci, Health/Aging
M.Sc. Rehab Sci, Hearing Sci.
M.Sc. Rehab Sci, MM MH
M.Sc. Rehab Sci, Measure/Meth
M.Sc. Rehab Sci, Occupational
M.Sc. Rehab Sci, Phys Th. MH
M.Sc. Rehab Sci, Physical Th.
M.Sc. Rehab Sci, Promotion
M.Sc. Rehab Sci, Promotion MH
M.Sc. Rehab Sci, Rehab
M.Sc. Rehab Sci, Speech/Lang.
M.Sc. Stats, ActuarSci
M.Sc. Stats, ActuarSci 3
M.Sc. Stats, ActuarSci 6
M.Sc. Stats, ActuarSci, EnvSus
M.Sc. Stats, ActuarSci, SciCom
M.Sc. Stats, Biostats
M.Sc. Stats, Biostats 3
M.Sc. Stats, Biostats 6
M.Sc. Stats, Biostats, SciCom
M.Sc. Stats, Fin Mod
M.Sc. Stats, Fin Mod 3
M.Sc. Stats, Fin Mod 6
M.Sc. Stats, Fin Mod, EnvSus
M.Sc. Stats, Fin Mod, SciCom
M.Sc. Stats, Stats
M.Sc. Stats, Stats 3
M.Sc. Stats, Stats 3 HazRR
M.Sc. Stats, Stats 6
M.Sc. Stats, Stats HazRR
M.Sc. Stats, Stats T HazRR
M.Sc. Stats, Stats, EnvSus
M.Sc. Stats, Stats, SciCom
M.Sc.N. Nursing
M.Theol.Studies Theology
MA Counselling Psych
MA Educ App Ling C
MA Educ App Ling P
MA Educ App Ling T
MA Educ App Psych P
MA Educ App Psych T
MA Educ Curriculum C
MA Educ Curriculum P
MA Educ Curriculum T
MA Educ Curriculum T EnvSus
MA Education St P
MA Education St T
MA Film Studies
MA Kin Mgmt & Leadership C
MA Kin Mgmt & Leadership T
MA Kin Psych Basis C
MA Kin Psych Basis T
MA Kin SocCult Studies C
MA Kin SocCult Studies T
MA Theory & Criticism EnvSus
MDA Artificial Intelligence
MDA Finance Banking Insurance
MDA Generalist
MESC Geotech/Geoenviro Eng,ES
MESc BME Mechatronics
MESc BME Mechatronics MH
MESc Biomat/Biochem
MESc Biomat/Biochem, ES
MESc Biomed Eng, Biomech ML
MESc Biomed Eng, Imaging ML
MESc CBE Macromolec/Materials
MESc Enviro/Green
MESc Enviro/Green, ES
MESc Geotech/Geoenviro Eng
MESc ParticleTech/Fluid
MESc ParticleTech/Fluid SciCom
MESc ParticleTech/Fluid, ES
MESc Reaction/ProcessSys
MESc Reaction/ProcessSys, ES
MESc Water and Energy
MEng Biomat/Biochem, C
MEng Biomat/Biochem, C Co-op
MEng Biomat/Biochem, C ELI
MEng Biomat/Biochem, CES
MEng Biomat/Biochem, P
MEng Biomat/Biochem, PES
MEng CBE Eng in Medicine, C
MEng CBE Eng in Medicine, P
MEng CBE, Eng Medicine, P ELI
MEng ECE Eng in Medicine, C
MEng ECE Eng in Medicine, P
MEng ECE, Medicine, C ELI
MEng ECE, Medicine, P ELI
MEng ECE, Robot C ELI Co-op
MEng ECE, Sftwr C ELI Co-op
MEng ECE, Sftwr P AI ELI Co-op
MEng Enviro/Green PES
MEng Enviro/Green, C
MEng Enviro/Green, C Co-op
MEng Enviro/Green, C ELI
MEng Enviro/Green, CES
MEng Enviro/Green, P
MEng Enviro/Green, P Co-op
MEng Food Processing, C
MEng Food Processing, C Co-op
MEng Food Processing, C ELI
MEng Food Processing, P
MEng Food Processing, P ELI
MEng MME Eng in Medicine, C
MEng MME Eng in Medicine, P
MEng MME, Eng Medicine, P ELI
MEng ParticleTech/Fluid, C
MEng ParticleTech/Fluid, CES
MEng ParticleTech/Fluid, P
MEng ParticleTech/Fluid, PES
MEng Partiech/Fluid, C ELI
MEng Process Control, C
MEng Process Control, P
MEng Reaction/ProcessSys, C
MEng Reaction/ProcessSys, CES
MEng Reaction/ProcessSys, P
MEng Reaction/ProcessSys, PES
MEng Reaction/ProcssSys, C ELI
MEng Reaction/ProcssSys, P ELI
MLIS Online FT
MLIS Online PT
MMASc Applied Science
MMASc Applied Social Science
MMASc Global Health Systems
MMus Education, part time
MN Leadership
MPEd, Int Schl Ldr Onsite
MSW 2 year
MSc Clin Med Biop
MSc Geol Course Based
MSc Geol Project Based
MSc Geop Course Based
MSc Geop Project Based
MSc Kin Integ Biosci C
MSc Kin Integ Biosciences
MSc Kin Integ Biosciences MH
MSc Management
MSc Management BA
MSc Management CEMS
MSc Management DM
MSc Management IB
MSc Mgmt BA GDip B&S
MSc Mgmt CEMS GDip B&S
MSc Mgmt DM GDip B&S
MSc Mgmt IB GDip B&S
MSc Path & Lab Med Mol/Transpl
MSc Path & Lab Med Neuropath
MSc Path & Lab Med Oncol/Env
MSc Path & Lab Med One Health
MSc Path & Lab Med, DevBio
MSc Path & Lab Med, EnvSus
MSc Path & Lab Med, MolImg
MSc Path & Lab Med, MolImg MH
MSc Pathology & Lab Med MH
MSc Pathology & Lab Medicine
MSc Phys/Pharm Accelerated
MSc RehabSci, Physical Th ML
MSc Surgery
MScFN, Internship
MScFN, Practicum
MScFN, Thesis
Management Studies
Management Studies Work Place
Management and Legal Studies
Marketing and Sustainability
Mast of Fine Art Studio Arts
Mast of Fine Art Visual Arts
Master Prof Ed, ABA
Master Prof Ed, Curr
Master Prof Ed, ECE
Master Prof Ed, Educ Ldr
Master Prof Ed, Educ Ldr, AL
Master Prof Ed, Educ Ldr, CL
Master Prof Ed, Equity
Master Prof Ed, French
Master Prof Ed, Global Int Ed
Master Prof Ed, Int Schl Ldr
Master Prof Ed, International
Master Prof Ed, Ldr Indig Ed
Master Prof Ed, Literacy
Master Prof Ed, Math Ed
Master Prof Ed, TESOL
Master Prof Ed, TSE
Master of Environment
Master of Kinesiology
Master of Library & Info Sci.
Master of Mgmt Analytics
Master of Physical Therapy
Master of Public Health
Master of Social Work
Masters Public Administration
Mathematical & Stat Sciences
Mathematics, Finance & Econ
Med Health Info & Physio
Media & Public Interest (MPI)
Media, Info & Technoculture
Medical Bioinformatics
Medical Biophysics
Medical Biophysics (Med Sci)
Medical Cell Biology
Medical Physics
Medical Sciences
Medical Sciences (W Scholars)
Medical Sciences First Entry
Medical Sciences with Psychol
Medieval Studies
Microbiology & Immun with Path
Microbiology and Immunology
Middle East Studies
Migration and Border Studies
Minor in World History
Mngm't & Organizational St
Modern Hebrew
Modern Languages
Multicultural & Peace Studies
Museum and Curatorial Studies
Music Administrative Studies
Music Performance Studies
Neurocognitive Rehabilitation
Non Credit Courses
Non Deg Cr Chem/Bioch Opt
Non Deg Cr Comm Sci Disorders
Non Deg Cr Engineering Sc
Non Deg Cr Law
Non Deg Cr Music
Non Deg Cr Nursing
Non Deg Cr Occupat Therap
Non Deg Cr Physical Ed
Non Deg Cr Physical Ther
Non Deg Cr Psychology
Non Deg Cr Sociol /Englis
Non Deg Cr Sociol /French
Non Deg Cr Special Studen
Non Deg Cr Special Student
Non Deg Cr Theology
Non-degree Applied Health Sci
Non-degree MPEd ABA
Non-degree Mining Law
Non-degree Music Education S/O
Non-degree Part-time
Nonprofit Management
Nutrition Management
Nutrition and Dietetics
Nutrition and Families
Occupational Therapy
One Health
Ontario Visiting Grad Student
Org Studies, Policy, & Ethics
Organizational & Hum Resources
Organizational & Human Res
PSci International Relations
PSci UrbnPol & LocGov
Pacific Rim Studies
Page, Stage and Screen
Pam's testing
Pathologists' Assistant
Pathology with Behavior Neuro
Peace and Conflict
Ph.D Hispanic Studies
Ph.D Hispanic Studies EnvSus
Ph.D Hispanic Studies GHSA
Ph.D Hispanic Studies TJ
Ph.D Hispanic Studies TJ SC
Ph.D. AnatCell
Ph.D. AnatCell MH
Ph.D. AnatCell, Clin
Ph.D. AnatCell, DevBio
Ph.D. AnatCell, ML
Ph.D. AnatCell, MolImg
Ph.D. Anthro, Arch/Bio, EnvSus
Ph.D. Anthro, Arch/Bio, Ethnic
Ph.D. Anthro, Arch/Bioarch
Ph.D. Anthro, Arch/Bioarch MH
Ph.D. Anthro, Socio
Ph.D. Anthro, Socio TJ
Ph.D. Anthro, Socio, EnvSus
Ph.D. Anthro, Socio, Ethnic
Ph.D. ApplMath
Ph.D. ApplMath, SciCom
Ph.D. ApplMath, TheoPh
Ph.D. Art and Visual Culture
Ph.D. Astronomy
Ph.D. Astronomy, EnvSus
Ph.D. Astronomy, PlnSci
Ph.D. Astronomy, SciCom
Ph.D. Biochemistry
Ph.D. Biochemistry MH
Ph.D. Biochemistry, DevBio
Ph.D. Biochemistry, ML
Ph.D. Biochemistry, MolImg
Ph.D. Biochemistry, SciCom
Ph.D. Biochemistry, SciCom ML
Ph.D. Biology, Cel&Mol
Ph.D. Biology, Cel&Mol, DevBio
Ph.D. Biology, Cel&Mol, EnvSus
Ph.D. Biology, Cel&Mol, SciCom
Ph.D. Biology, Eco&Evo
Ph.D. Biology, Eco&Evo, DevBio
Ph.D. Biology, Eco&Evo, EnvSus
Ph.D. Biology, Phy&Bio
Ph.D. Biology, Phy&Bio, DevBio
Ph.D. Biology, Phy&Bio, EnvSus
Ph.D. Biomed Eng, Imaging ML
Ph.D. Biomed Eng, Robotics
Ph.D. Biomed. Eng, Biomech MH
Ph.D. Biomed. Eng., Biomat MH
Ph.D. Biomed. Eng., Biomat.
Ph.D. Biomed. Eng., Biomech.
Ph.D. Biomed. Eng., Imaging
Ph.D. Biomed. Eng., Imaging MH
Ph.D. Biomed. Eng., Robot MH
Ph.D. BusAdm, Acct&Con
Ph.D. BusAdm, Acct&Con, EnvSus
Ph.D. BusAdm, Finance
Ph.D. BusAdm, Finance, EnvSus
Ph.D. BusAdm, GenMgmt
Ph.D. BusAdm, GenMgmt, EnvSus
Ph.D. BusAdm, InfoSys
Ph.D. BusAdm, InfoSys, EnvSus
Ph.D. BusAdm, Marktng
Ph.D. BusAdm, MgmtSci
Ph.D. BusAdm, MgmtSci, EnvSus
Ph.D. BusAdm, Mrktng, EnvSus
Ph.D. BusAdm, Operatns
Ph.D. BusAdm, Operatns, EnvSus
Ph.D. BusAdm, OrgBehav
Ph.D. BusAdm, OrgBehav, EnvSus
Ph.D. CBE, Soochow 2+2
Ph.D. CEE, Smart Cities
Ph.D. CEE, Structural
Ph.D. CEE, Structural HazRR
Ph.D. CEE, Structural SciComp
Ph.D. CEE, Structural, EnvSus
Ph.D. CEE, Water/Env
Ph.D. CEE, Water/Env HazRR
Ph.D. CEE, Water/Env, EnvSus
Ph.D. CEE, Wind
Ph.D. CEE, Wind HazRR
Ph.D. CEE, Wind SciComp
Ph.D. CEE, Wind, EnvSus
Ph.D. Chem, Inorganic
Ph.D. Chem, Inorganic, EnvSus
Ph.D. Chem, Inorganic, MolImg
Ph.D. Chem, Inorganic, SciCom
Ph.D. Chem, Organic
Ph.D. Chem, Organic, EnvSus
Ph.D. Chem, Organic, MolImg
Ph.D. Chem, Organic, SciCom
Ph.D. Chem, Phys/Anlyt
Ph.D. Chem, Phys/Anlyt MH
Ph.D. Chem, Phys/Anlyt, EnvSus
Ph.D. Chem, Phys/Anlyt, MolImg
Ph.D. Chem, Phys/Anlyt, SciCom
Ph.D. Chem, Soochow 2+2
Ph.D. Classics, Ancient Hist
Ph.D. Classics, Archaeology
Ph.D. Classics, Philology/Lit
Ph.D. Co-Op /Lib/In
Ph.D. Co-Op Placemen
Ph.D. CompSci, AI&CBG
Ph.D. CompSci, AI&CBG, EnvSus
Ph.D. CompSci, AI&CBG, SftEng
Ph.D. CompSci, Bio
Ph.D. CompSci, Bio, EnvSus
Ph.D. CompSci, CompAlg
Ph.D. CompSci, CompAlg, EnvSus
Ph.D. CompSci, DistSys
Ph.D. CompSci, DistSys, EnvSus
Ph.D. CompSci, IP&CV
Ph.D. CompSci, IP&CV, EnvSus
Ph.D. CompSci, SE&HCI
Ph.D. CompSci, SE&HCI, EnvSci
Ph.D. CompSci, SE&HCI, EnvSus
Ph.D. CompSci, Theory
Ph.D. CompSci, Theory, EnvSus
Ph.D. Comparative Literature
Ph.D. ECE, Biomed
Ph.D. ECE, Biomed MH
Ph.D. ECE, Biomed ML
Ph.D. ECE, Biomed, EnvSus
Ph.D. ECE, CommSys
Ph.D. ECE, CommSys SciComp
Ph.D. ECE, CommSys, EnvSus
Ph.D. ECE, DSP SciComp
Ph.D. ECE, DSP, EnvSus
Ph.D. ECE, DSP, PlnSci
Ph.D. ECE, Electrost
Ph.D. ECE, Electrost, EnvSus
Ph.D. ECE, PowerSys
Ph.D. ECE, PowerSys, EnvSus
Ph.D. ECE, Robotic, PlnSci
Ph.D. ECE, Robotics
Ph.D. ECE, Robotics, EnvSus
Ph.D. ECE, Software
Ph.D. ECE, Software, EnvSus
Ph.D. ECE, Software, PlnSci
Ph.D. Economics
Ph.D. Economics, EnvSus
Ph.D. Education, Curriculum,ES
Ph.D. Education, Equity/Incl
Ph.D. Education, PolSt,EnvSus
Ph.D. Education, Policy Study
Ph.D. Education, Psych
Ph.D. Education, Psych,ES
Ph.D. Education,Equity/Inc,ES
Ph.D. English
Ph.D. English TJ
Ph.D. Epi/Bio & Comp Science
Ph.D. EpiBio Biostatistics
Ph.D. EpiBio Epidemiology
Ph.D. Epidem/Biostat
Ph.D. Epidem/Biostat ML
Ph.D. Epidem/Biostat, Biosts
Ph.D. Family Medicine
Ph.D. French Studies
Ph.D. French, Trans Just
Ph.D. GSWS, Ethnic
Ph.D. GSWS, Trans Just
Ph.D. Geography
Ph.D. Geography HazRR
Ph.D. Geography PlnSci
Ph.D. Geography, EnvSus
Ph.D. Geography, Ethnic
Ph.D. Geography, GHSA
Ph.D. Geology
Ph.D. Geology, EnvSus
Ph.D. Geology, PlnSci
Ph.D. Geology, Soochow 2+2
Ph.D. Geophysics
Ph.D. Geophysics HazRR
Ph.D. Geophysics, EnvSus
Ph.D. Geophysics, PlnSci
Ph.D. Geophysics, SciCom
Ph.D. Geophysics, Soochow 2+2
Ph.D. Geotech/Geoenviro Eng
Ph.D. Hispanic Studies, Ethnic
Ph.D. History
Ph.D. History, EnvSus
Ph.D. History, Ethnic
Ph.D. History, Trans Just
Ph.D. Kinesiol, Cultural
Ph.D. Kinesiol, Phys of Ex
Ph.D. Kinesiol, Psych Basis
Ph.D. Library/Info S
Ph.D. MME, Automation
Ph.D. MME, Automation, EnvSus
Ph.D. MME, Materials
Ph.D. MME, Materials, EnvSus
Ph.D. MME, MechEng
Ph.D. MME, MechEng MH
Ph.D. MME, Mechanical
Ph.D. MME, Mechanical MH
Ph.D. MME, Mechanical MH ML
Ph.D. MME, Mechanical ML
Ph.D. MME, MicroNano
Ph.D. MME, Soochow 2+2
Ph.D. MME, Thermoflu
Ph.D. MME, Thermoflu, EnvSus
Ph.D. Mathematics
Ph.D. Mathematics, AM,Sci Com
Ph.D. Mathematics, ApplMath
Ph.D. Med Biophysics
Ph.D. Med Biophysics SciComp
Ph.D. Med Biophysics, ML
Ph.D. Med Biophysics, MolImg
Ph.D. Media Studies
Ph.D. Media Studies, EnvSus
Ph.D. MediaSt, Culture
Ph.D. Microbio/Immun
Ph.D. Microbio/Immun MH
Ph.D. Microbio/Immun, DevBio
Ph.D. Microbio/Immun, EnvSus
Ph.D. Microbio/Immun, MolImg
Ph.D. Music, Composition
Ph.D. Music, Music Education
Ph.D. Music, Music Theory
Ph.D. Music, Musicology
Ph.D. Neurosci S & Comp Scienc
Ph.D. Neuroscience
Ph.D. Neuroscience HS
Ph.D. Neuroscience ML
Ph.D. Neuroscience S
Ph.D. Neuroscience S ML
Ph.D. Neuroscience SS
Ph.D. Neuroscience SS, ML
Ph.D. Neuroscience SSSC
Ph.D. Nursing
Ph.D. Pharm/Tox
Ph.D. Pharm/Tox MH
Ph.D. Philosophy
Ph.D. Philosophy, EnvSus
Ph.D. Phys/Pharm
Ph.D. Phys/Pharm, DevBio
Ph.D. Phys/Pharm, DevBio MH
Ph.D. Phys/Pharm, EnvSus
Ph.D. Physics
Ph.D. Physics ML
Ph.D. Physics SC
Ph.D. Physics, CondMat, PlnSci
Ph.D. Physics, EnvSus
Ph.D. Physics, PlnSci
Ph.D. Physics, Soochow 2+2
Ph.D. Physics, TheoPh
Ph.D. Physiology
Ph.D. Physiology MH
Ph.D. Physiology, DevBio MH
Ph.D. PoliSci, Trans Just
Ph.D. Political Sci
Ph.D. Political Sci, EnvSus
Ph.D. Political Sci, Ethnic
Ph.D. Psychology
Ph.D. Psychology, Behav & Cog
Ph.D. Psychology, CDBS
Ph.D. Psychology, CDBS, ML
Ph.D. Psychology, CDBS, MusCog
Ph.D. Psychology, Clin, Ethnic
Ph.D. Psychology, Clinical
Ph.D. Psychology, Cog & Percep
Ph.D. Psychology, Development
Ph.D. Psychology, I/O, Ethnic
Ph.D. Psychology, Industry/Org
Ph.D. Psychology, SPD
Ph.D. Psychology, SPD, Ethnic
Ph.D. Psychology, Soc, Ethnic
Ph.D. Psychology, Social
Ph.D. Psychology,Pers & Measur
Ph.D. Rehab Sci, Promotion MH
Ph.D. Rehab Sci.
Ph.D. Rehab Sci., Child/Youth
Ph.D. Rehab Sci., Education
Ph.D. Rehab Sci., HS AUD
Ph.D. Rehab Sci., Health/Aging
Ph.D. Rehab Sci., Hearing Sci.
Ph.D. Rehab Sci., Hlth/Age MH
Ph.D. Rehab Sci., MM/MPT MH
Ph.D. Rehab Sci., Meas/Meth MH
Ph.D. Rehab Sci., Measure/Meth
Ph.D. Rehab Sci., Occupational
Ph.D. Rehab Sci., PT/MPT MH
Ph.D. Rehab Sci., Phys Th. MH
Ph.D. Rehab Sci., Physical Th.
Ph.D. Rehab Sci., Promotion
Ph.D. Rehab Sci., Rehab
Ph.D. Rehab Sci., Rehab MH
Ph.D. Rehab Sci., SL SPEECH
Ph.D. Rehab Sci., Speech/Lang.
Ph.D. Sociology
Ph.D. Sociology, EnvSus
Ph.D. Sociology, Ethnic
Ph.D. Sociology, Trans Just
Ph.D. Stats, Act Sci HazRR
Ph.D. Stats, ActuarSci, EnvSus
Ph.D. Stats, ActuarSci, SciCom
Ph.D. Stats, Actuarial Science
Ph.D. Stats, Biostatistics
Ph.D. Stats, Biostats, SciCom
Ph.D. Stats, Fin Mod
Ph.D. Stats, Fin Mod, EnvSus
Ph.D. Stats, Fin Mod, SciCom
Ph.D. Stats, Statistics
Ph.D. Stats, Stats, EnvSus
Ph.D. Stats, Stats, SciCom
Ph.D. Theory and Criticism
Ph.D.Geology SciComp
Ph.D.Geotech/Geoenviro Eng, ES
PhD Anthro Arch/Bioarch & BME
PhD BME Mechatronics
PhD BME Mechatronics MH
PhD Biomat/Biochem
PhD Biomat/Biochem MH
PhD Biomat/Biochem, ES
PhD CBE Macromolec/Materials
PhD Comparative Literature ES
PhD Educ App Ling
PhD Educ App Psych
PhD Educ Curriculum
PhD Enviro/Green
PhD Enviro/Green, ES
PhD HRS Measure/Meth MPT
PhD HRS Occupational Sci GHSA
PhD HRS, HS AUD Mus Cogn
PhD Kin Integ Biosciences
PhD Kin Integ Biosciences MH
PhD Kin Mgmt & Leadership
PhD Kin Psych Basis
PhD Kin SocCult Studies
PhD Kin SocCult Studies TJ
PhD Law
PhD Law, Trans Just
PhD Med Biop CAMPEP MolImg
PhD Med Biop Clin MSc
PhD Med Biop Clin MSc MolImg
PhD Med Biop MH
PhD Med Biop MHMI
PhD Music, Composition MusCogn
PhD Music, Mus Theory MusCogn
PhD Music, Music Ed MusCogn
PhD Music, Musicology MusCogn
PhD ParticleTech/Fluid
PhD ParticleTech/Fluid, ES
PhD Path & Lab Med
PhD Path & Lab Med Neuropath
PhD Path & Lab Med Mol/Transpl
PhD Path & Lab Med Oncol/Env
PhD Path & Lab Med One Health
PhD Path & Lab Med, DevBio
PhD Path & Lab Med, EnvSus
PhD Path & Lab Med, MolImg
PhD Pathology
PhD Phys/Pharm MH
PhD Reaction/ProcessSys
PhD Reaction/ProcessSys, ES
PhD Rehab Sci, Physical Th ML
PhD RehabSci, Meas/Meth MH ML
PhD Theory & Criticism EnvSus
PhD Water and Energy
Pharmacology and Pathology
Philosophy & Political Science
Philosophy in Commerce
Philosophy of Science
Philosophy, Reasoning & Ethics
Physical Geography and Environ
Physical Therapy
Physiology and Pharm/Tox
Physiology and Pharmacology
Physiology with Immunology
Planetary Sci & Space Explor
Pol,Phil & Econ - Economics
Pol,Phil & Econ-Politics&Phil
PoliSci Canadian Politics
PoliSci Comparative Politics
PoliSci Political Theory
Political Philosophy/w Int Rel
Political Science
Political Science & Linguistic
Political Theatre
Politics and International Rel
Pop Music,Media & Global Comm
Popular Cultural Analysis
Popular Lit & Cultural Studies
Popular Music Studies
Post Grd Cert in Education
Post-Degree Module
Post-Graduate Cert in Ed/PLP
Postcolonial & Diaspora Studie
Power in History and Politics
Preliminary Year
Probationary Student
Professional Arts
Professional Business Admin
Professional Dentistry
Professional Engineering Sc
Professional Law
Professional Music
Professional Nursing
Professional Physical Ed
Professional Science
Professional Soc.Sci.
Psychology/Visual Art
Public Health Nursing
Public History
Refugee and Migrant Studies
Rehabilitation Sciences
Religion and Society
Religion and Theology
Religious Studies
Religious Studies & Philosophy
Research for Policy & Evaluatn
Rest.Regis Arts
Rest.Regis Engineering Sc
Rest.Regis Science
Rest.Regis Soc.Sci.
Save for AA testing
Save for Jane's Testing
Scholar's Electives Program
Scholarship Faculty Plan
School Within a University
Science Co-op Program
Science Internship Program
Scientific Comp & Numeric Meth
Sexuality Studies
Soc Science of the Internet
Social & Environ Justice in VA
Social & Political Philosophy
Social Justice & Peace Studies
Social Psychology
Social Science
Social Science Internship Prog
Social Work
Social and Political Thought
Sociocultural Anthropology
Sociology of Gender
Software Engineering
Spc Political Sci/Women's Stud
Spc St Actuarial Science
Spc St Anthropology
Spc St Anthropology/Psychology
Spc St Applied Math
Spc St Biochemistry
Spc St Biochemistry/Chemistry
Spc St Biology
Spc St Business Administration
Spc St CLC/Visual Arts
Spc St Chem & Biochem Option
Spc St Chemistry/Biochemistry
Spc St Classical Studies
Spc St Comm Sci & Disorders
Spc St Comp Lit & Culture
Spc St Comparative Lit
Spc St Computer Science
Spc St Dentistry
Spc St Economics
Spc St Economics/Spanish
Spc St Engineering Science
Spc St English
Spc St English & Women's St
Spc St English/Drama
Spc St English/History
Spc St English/Sociology
Spc St Environmental Science
Spc St Fam St & Hum Develop
Spc St Film Studies
Spc St French
Spc St French/CLC
Spc St General Studies
Spc St Geography
Spc St Geography/History
Spc St Geophysics
Spc St German
Spc St Health Sciences
Spc St History
Spc St History/English
Spc St History/Political Sci
Spc St Human Ecology
Spc St Kinesiology
Spc St Kinesiology/w Geography
Spc St Law
Spc St MOS
Spc St Mathematics
Spc St Media Information Tech
Spc St Media InformationTech
Spc St Medicine
Spc St Music
Spc St Nursing
Spc St Occupatational Therapy
Spc St Occupational Therapy
Spc St Performance (Wood)
Spc St Pharmacology/Toxicology
Spc St Philo/Political Sci
Spc St Philo/Sociology
Spc St Philosophy
Spc St Physical Therapy
Spc St Physics
Spc St Political Sc/History
Spc St Political Sc/Women's St
Spc St Political Sci/History
Spc St Political Science
Spc St Pre-Resident
Spc St Psychology
Spc St Psychology/Anthro
Spc St Psychology/Sociology
Spc St Psychology/Women's St
Spc St Psychology/Women's Stud
Spc St Registered Nurses B.ScN
Spc St Religious Studies
Spc St Sociology
Spc St Spanish
Spc St Statistics
Spc St Studio Art
Spc St Theology
Spc St Visual Arts
Spc St Visual Arts/CLC
Spc St Visual Arts/English
Spc St Women's St/Philo
Spc St Women's St/Psychology
Spc St Women's Studies
Spc St Zoology
Spc Student Foods & Nutrition
SpcStEngineering Sci-Civil Opt
Spe St Medicine
Spec St Biol/Environmental Sci
Spec St Medicine
Spirituality & Comm Leadership
Studies in Imperialism
Studio Art
Synthetic Biology
Teaching & Practice of Writing
The Atlantic World
The New Liberal Arts
Theatre Studies
Thematic Philosophy & History
Trans Just & Post-Conflict Rec
Transfer Sp Stu /Vist E
UWO-UBC Visiting Grad Student
Upgrade General Studies
Upgrade Grad Ed
Upgrade Law
Urban Development
Urban Ecosystems & Enviro Plan
Visiting Graduate Student
Visiting Professional Research
Visiting Undergraduate Researc
Visiting Undergraduate Studies
Visual Arts
WISE Concurrent Studies
West-Fan Collab B.Sc.N (W Scho
West/FanComb BA Fin/Wealth
Women and Christianity
World Religions and Cultures
Writing Studies
Writing and Social Change
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